Sunday, February 11, 2007

When grandparents become parents again

When our children grow up, we may even think that (paraphrasing John Kennedy) the torch has been passed to a new generation; and when our first grandchild is born, that from then on we won't need to be parents anymore, but just enjoy the sweet role of being grandparents.
But it's not that simple. Fathers and mothers will always be fathers and mothers, and will always worry about their children, no matter how old they are.
I'm saying that because of a scare we had this weekend. Guilherme's father was in the hospital with an appendicitis, and all of a sudden he wasn't Guilherme's father anymore, but our beloved son needing our care.
Fortunately, the surgery went without incidents and he's recovering very well, even bettar afeter watching today's soccer game!
We got good things even from this scare: the first one was to be with our grandson all afternoon on Saturday; the second was to confirm the love and dedication of our daughter in-law Paula for Henrique, and that our two families are now one. Thank you, daughter! Thank you, co-in-laws, great-grandma Frida, aunt Uli!


Kerri said...

Hello Geraldo! Thanks for visiting and leaving such a nice comment. The birds have been busy today because it's snowing again.
I've enjoyed seeing the pictures and reading about your dear little grandson.
We've just had our son,daughter-in-law, and 2 little grandsons here for 2 days. Being grandparents is the ultimate joy, but you're right, we never cease to be parents and worry about our children. I'm so glad your son is OK now. Appendicitis is a nasty thing.
I would enjoy being in sunny Brazil right now!! :)

Geraldo said...


I'm sorry for not answering before, I just found that I'm not being notified about comments on this blog. Thank you for your comment. You should come visit Brazil, I'm sure you'll enjoy it!